10 tips to avoid a silly season blowout!

2020 has not been an easy year, and many of us have faced the reality of the Corona Kilos! (those pesky KG’s that crept on during lockdown!) Luckily we Aussies are warming up for summer fitness, and our gyms are open, but we have one series of events to get through over the next two weeks, and if you are anything like me, Christmas will be bigger than ever this year!

In saying that, I want to commit to my health and wellbeing and start 2021 feeling energised, happy, and ready for what the year may bring. Here are my top tips for avoiding the Christmas Kilos!

Start with the Protein-rich foods on your plate.
The big Christmas lunch, I love it, and I overfill my plate every year, but try and fill up on protein-rich foods before getting stuck into the bread and desserts.

Protein makes you feel fuller for longer and can reduce hunger, meaning you will eat less and likely indulge less in the sweets and treats after lunch.

Protein takes more energy to break it down and turn it into stored fats.


2. Move the body!

Maintaining some exercise during the silly season is an excellent way to burn off all the extra treats. It is incredible how good you can feel after a simple walk. And remember, 20 minutes is better than no minutes. Squeeze in something every day.

3. Never arrive hungry!

Just like doing your supermarket shopping hungry, arriving at a Christmas party hungry is a guaranteed way to overeat and overindulge. Ensure you eat a protein-rich meal before you head out, and you won’t feel ravenous at the event, and turning down a second or third helping will be so much easier!

4. Prioritise

You cannot be everything to everyone. You need to decide what is essential and plan out your events by priority. If you must miss one or two occasions, that is O.K! Next year, the event will be back on, and you can shuffle your preferences to attend the ones you missed. Remember, the grass is always greener where you water it. Meaning that if you look after yourself, you will be better, so do not let the silly season ruin all your fantastic exercise and healthy habits. Prioritize your health and happiness first and all the trimmings of the silly second after!

5. Add some weights

The Christmas break is the perfect time to ramp up the weight training; with a bit of extra time off work (thanks to the public holidays), you can take the opportunity to push yourself in the gym. Try adding a few more KG’s onto the squat bar, aim to do a 1X set on the larger dumbbells, and add some weights to exercises that you usually perform as body weighted. Weight training is the most effective way to burn fats, and you will burn more calories in the same time frame compared to cardio exercise.

6. Avoid that platter!

The big spread taking over the table, it looks so good (because it is good!) But hanging around the table at events is not good! 

Move away from the table’s proximity; that way, you will avoid the handful after handful after handful of unconscious eating that we all do when the available options are right there under our noses!

7. Maintain discipline

Don’t blow the hour and hours you have spent training and all the times you have turned down a tasty treat this year by going crazy over the next three weeks. Remember your long-term goals and what you are working towards; a big blowout may be delicious at the time but will your body thank you for it afterward!


8. Don’t completely deny yourself

Everything in moderation! Sometimes indulging in a small number of your favourite foods can help you stay on track. Pick out your absolute favouties and enjoy them that way; you can turn down the things you don’t love so much and not feel like you have missed out altogether.

9. Plan ahead

Think about what is an acceptable amount to drink and eat at each event and stick to this plan.

 Are you able to add in some exercise before your events? You could go for an extra walk in a lunch break and reward yourself with an extra glass of champagne that evening!

10. Finally, rest and recover

Getting all your work tasks finished, preparing for Christmas day, parties, and events. At this time of the year, the list of things to do is endless, and they feel even more compounded this year as we are so keen to enjoy ourselves after a tough 2020. But remember all the socialising and pressure is exhausting and wee need to rest and sleep to give our bodies the time it needs to repair. When we are tired, we often eat more calories, so having plenty of sleep and rest is a positive step to reduce our temptation of the available treats!